Requirements for the design of articles
Requirements for the design of articles submitted for publication in the international scientific journal
"Central Asian Journal of Geographical Research"
For publication in the international scientific journal "Central Asian Journal of Geographical Research" previously unpublished articles on topical topics reflecting the results of completed studies and the contribution of the author (authors) to their achievement, written in Russian or English.
Articles are submitted to the editorial office of the journal in electronic form.
The text of the articles should be typed in Microsoft Word 2003/2007, exclusively using the Times New Roman typeface. Margins: top 2 cm, bottom 2 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 2.5 cm.
On the first line of the article, on the left, the UDC is indicated. The surname and initials of the author (co-authors) are placed in intervals. The name of the organizations where the authors work with the indication of the city and country is placed through the interval. If the authors work in different organizations, then it is necessary to use digital indices when indicating the names of the organizations. These design elements are typed in 12 point size, with 1.0 line spacing.
On the next line in the middle is the title of the article in capital letters, printed in bold. The abstract of the article (100-150 words) and keywords (5-8 concepts) to it are given under the title. These parts of the article are typed in italics, 11 point size, with 1.0 line spacing.
Then the surnames and initials of the authors, the names of the organizations in which the authors work, the title of the article, abstract and keywords are given In Russ.ian. The design parameters (size and typeface, line spacing) are similar to the design parameters of the corresponding English-language elements of the article. If the authors are unable to arrange the corresponding elements of the article In Russ.ian, this work, at the request of the authors, will be performed by the editorial staff of the journal.
The main text of the article is typed in 12 point type, 1.0 spacing. Paragraph - automatic, indentation of the first line by 1.25 cm, it is unacceptable to indent (left, right) with spaces. Transfers are not allowed.
The text of the article should be structured as follows:
- Introduction and problem statement;
- Study of the problem;
- The aim and objectives of the work;
- Materials and methods;
- Results and its discussion;
- Conclusions.
Drawings, graphs, maps must be numbered and signed, their names are typed in 11 point size under the illustrations. Graphic materials are exclusively in *.jpg format.
Tables are also numbered and signed. Numbers (Table 1, etc.) and the names of tables are placed above them and typed in 11 point size. The table number is aligned to the right and the title is in the middle. If the illustration or table is borrowed from sources belonging to other authors, you must indicate this source below the table on the left.
Landscape format of figures and tables is not allowed!
The list of references (no less than 15 and no more than 25 sources) in alphabetical order is given after the text of the article, 11 point size, not automatically numbered and signed as References. First, sources with the name in Cyrillic are given, then works in other alphabets. Bibliographic information of sources is drawn up in the accepted standard form. Requires the presence in the text of numbered links in square brackets, for example [1], to each source; sources that are not referenced in the text should not be included in the bibliography. Quotes are given in quotation marks, and the link is drawn up in the form [3, p.65]. The optimal level of self-citation of the author is not more than 10% of the list of used sources.
At the end of the article, information about the author (co-authors) of the article is given, including the last name, first name, patronymic (in full, in bold), after a dash - place of work and position, e-mail address, in English and Russian. . If the authors are unable to arrange the corresponding elements of the article in Russian, this work, at the request of the authors, will be performed by the editorial staff of the journal.
The recommended volume of articles is from 8 to 15 pages.
The article submitted for publication must be relevant, have scientific novelty, must include a description of the main research results obtained by the author, conclusions, and also comply with the formatting rules adopted in the journal. The material offered for publication must be original, not previously published in other print media.
All works sent to the editorial office are double-blind peer-reviewed, as well as checked by the Antiplagiat system. The decision to publish (or reject) an article is made by the editorial board of the journal after reviewing and discussing it. Publication in the journal is free, the authors are guaranteed the placement of its electronic version on the Internet.
Sample References:
- design of scientific articles and monographs published in English:
1. Honkanen A., Pitkanen K., Hall M. C. (2016), A local perspective on cross-border tourism. Russian second home ownership in Eastern Finland, International Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 149–158, DOI: 10.1002/jtr.2041.
2. Laine J. (2017), Finnish-Russian border mobility and tourism: localism overruled by geopolitics, Tourism and geopolitics: issues and concepts from Central and Eastern Europe, ed. Hall D., Wallingford, CABI, pp. 178–190.
3. Laumann E. O., Pappi F. U. (1976), Networks of Collective Action: A Perspective on Community Influence Systems, New York, Academic Press, 348 p.
- design of scientific articles published In Russian
4. Alibekov L.A., Fedorko V.N. (2020), Aral ecological crisis: prerequisites, consequences, prospects, The Annales of the GeographicalSociety of Uzbekistan, vol. 57, pp. 29–37. (In Russ.).
- registration of scientific articles in electronic Russian-language journals
5. Dirina A. I. (2007), The right of the military personnel of the Russian Federation to freedom of association, Online journal "Military law". (In Russ.). URL: (accessed 19.09.2017).
- design of scientific monographs published In Russ.ian
6. Fedorko V.N. (2016), Territorial natural-economic systems of the mouths of large rivers of the world, Rostov-on-Don, 112 p. (In Russ.).
- registration of dissertations written In Russian
7. Saidov Kh. (2010), Economic and geographical features of the development of the transport complex of the Republic of Tajikistan: dis. ... PhD geogr. sciences. Dushanbe, 171 p. (In Russ.).
- preparation of abstracts of dissertations written In Russian
8. Turdymambetov I.R. (2016), Socio-economic features of improving the nosogeographic situation of the Republic of Karakalpakstan: abstract of diss. ... doct. geogr. sciences. Tashkent, 83 p. (In Russ.).
- registration of articles in collections of scientific conferences published In Russian
9. Baklanov P.Ya. (2017), Territorial structures of environmental management in regional development, Geosystems in Northeast Asia. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference, pp. 4–7. (In Russ.).